Home and community based waiver services

Life Skills Development Level 1 :
This service was formerly known as companion services. It includes nonmedical care and socialization activities provided to an adult on a one-to-one basis or in groups of up to three recipients.
Personal Supports :
This service provides assistance and training in activities of daily living such as eating, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, and preparation of meals. If specified in the support plan, this service may provide housekeeping chores. This service also includes nonmedical care and socialization, and may provide access to community-based activities that have therapeutic benefits.
Respite Care and Skilled Respite:
This service provides supportive care and supervision to individuals under age 21, living in the family home, when the primary caregiver is unavailable due to a brief planned or emergency absence, or when the primary caregiver is temporarily physically unable to provide care.
Residential Nursing:
Residential nursing services are provided to recipients who resident in a licensed residential facility, or when a recipient residing in a licensed residential facility is engaged in a community activity. Services Provided by Registered nurse or Licensed practical nurse.
Residential Habilitation:
These services provide supervision and training that help the individual to acquire, maintain and improve skills related to activities of daily living. The services focus on personal hygiene skills such as bathing and oral hygiene; homemaking skills such as food preparation, vacuuming and laundry; and on social and adaptive skills that enable the individual to reside in the community.
Supported Living Coaching :
This service provides training and assistance in a wide variety of activities to support individuals who live in and maintain homes or apartments of their own.